Behavioral finance research may be in its infancy due to its controversial nature. Businesses want to determine the methods on which individuals identify the need to purchase a product or service but on the opposite end of the spectrum, leveraging that type of information can lead to bad reviews of the business practices. One would […]
Managerial Accounting and Internal Decision-Making
In order for businesses to be financially secure, they rely on hundreds of decisions and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) each day. Their financial matters must be handled by qualified individuals with knowledge and widened focus to make the right recommendations and decisions. Managerial accounting essentially determines the financial status of a business along with […]
Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Incentives Within Organizations
Diversity in the work place has a tremendous impact on corporate America. If executed correctly the trends in diversity, inclusion and equity can be shifted through practical mechanisms of change developed by organizational leaders. Kelan & Wratil (2018) identify six areas that leaders should focus on for continued dominance in gender equality, diversity and inclusion. […]